Tutorial and Example messages here:

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Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.

Email de paiement

⚠️ Votre adresse électronique de paiement PayPal, à laquelle nous enverrons les paiements des commissions. Il peut sagir de la même adresse que celle de votre compte. ⚠️


Your primary password, used for logging in.

Your account will be automatically Approved, and you can start earning Referrals immediately.


Commissions and Discounts on our services

For you For clients
Cdiscount and Amazon Plans of Action 15% 10%
Amazon Developer Profile Access 40% 10%
Seller accounts registration 15% 10%
Consulting 15% 10%
Our course 30% 10%
Chinese NNN agreement 20% 10%
Bulgarian company creation 20% 10%
French company creation 15% 10%

How to Participate in Our Affiliate Program:

Our products provide solutions and value to e-commerce merchants around the world, and our website is available in multiple languages. 


To be successful:


1. Identify the Most Active Communities:

Find the most dynamic forums and groups, then spot people who are asking questions and looking for solutions.

2. Provide Smart Solutions:

Refer the person in need to our services and share your coupon code so they can benefit from a 10% discount on their purchase.
A quality message is worth more than a multitude of Spam! Your authenticity and kindness towards sellers are essential to convince them to use our services.
A well-written post can even be pinned by forum administrators to serve as a reference, which will maximize the use of your affiliate code. Clumsy spamming will just get you banned from the platform!


3. Stay Active and Attentive:

Regularly engage on forums and keep in touch with the community, follow up to see if problems have been resolved, etc. If you become known for your kindness and for providing good advice, thanks to your reputation, everyone will use your coupon code to also benefit from a discount on their purchases.


Some Examples of Messages

Example 1

Plan of Action – Reinstate Amazon / Cdiscount Seller Accounts

Our “Plan of Action” service enables the reactivation of Amazon or Cdiscount seller accounts that have been suspended/blocked.
Example message to promote this service:
Hey Leo, I saw you’re having trouble with your seller account.
Have you tried going through a specialist?
I can recommend Fenchell they got me unlocked when my account was suspended last year:
If you want to manage customizing and pay less, they also do templates:
They had given me a 10% discount with the code ABC123, let us know if it still works.
Keep us posted, you can write to me in private if needed.
Link to our Plan of Action service for Amazon:
Link to our Plan of Action service for Cdiscount:
Link to our Amazon Action Plan “TEMPLATES” service:


Example 2

Seller Account Registration on Marketplaces
We register our clients’ seller accounts on more than 30 Marketplaces. In addition to the registration procedure, we ensure that the client’s file as well as their banking and company documents are impeccable and in perfect compliance with the marketplace the client is applying to.
Example message to promote this service:
Hey Leo, have you contacted an account opening specialist to help you?
I did some research, and it seems they’re the only ones who do it: 
I found a 10% coupon on Google: ABC123
Their reviews are good, leave them a message and see for yourself.
For something as important as an account, it might be useful to get help. Personally, I’m considering it for my Fnac account, apparently it’s tough with them.
Let us know what they said and if the coupon worked?
I’m available in PM if needed, we’ll keep in touch! See ya


Example 3

Company Registration and Bank Accounts
We register companies and open associated bank accounts for our E-commerce clients to enable them to sign up and sustain on E-commerce Marketplaces worldwide.
Example message to promote this service:
Hey Leo, I understand what you’re going through, I’ve been there :/
Actually, to register and maintain your seller account long-term, you need a solid profile, and everything has to be done by the book. So, a real company is now necessary, but also a real bank account and proofs of the company’s domicile, etc…
I’m going to go through this company; I’ve already spoken with them:
They gave me a 10% coupon, I’ll share it, it might be useful for you too: ABC123
They’re really professional with me and their reviews are good, leave them a message and see for yourself. Let us know what they said and if the coupon worked?
I’m available in PM if needed, we’ll keep in touch! See ya
Link to our Bulgarian Company Registration service:
Link to our French Company Registration service:


Example 4

Obtaining Amazon “Selling Partner API (SP-API)” Access
This access is often requested by companies or developers looking to obtain “super access” especially for shipping parcels themselves to customers by getting shipping and payment information directly through the API.
Amazon requires the completion of a particularly difficult form.
Fenchell provides all the answers and explains to the company’s security and logistics managers how to implement the strategies announced in the form.
This service is one of the most rewarding, it’s up to you to find on the forums the sellers and developers in search of this service who are not able to be accepted.
Example message to promote this service:
Hello Leo. I also scoured the entire net, all the forums to find out how to get access… On GitHub, I found this provider, the only one offering answers to the questionnaire:
I contacted them and apparently, they have a 100% success rate, they gave me a 10% coupon just in case: ABC123
My company will probably call on them. I hope this will help other devs in trouble.
Nice username, by the way. ^^
See ya