**Terms and Conditions**

By accessing the “Fenchell” website, you must accept the conditions set out below. Otherwise, you may not use this website.

The content of the “Fenchell” website is protected by copyright. All rights, even those not expressly granted herein, are reserved. Reproduction, transmission, distribution, and storage of any part or all of the contents, in any form, without the prior written consent of “Fenchell” is prohibited. You may browse the “Fenchell” website on your computer and print extracts from these pages for your personal use only and not for distribution, unless written consent from “Fenchell” is obtained. The use of this website and its content is authorised for personal purposes only, not for commercial purposes.

It is permitted to disseminate messages and other documents classified as public in the media, provided that the source is mentioned. The “Fenchell” website is for personal use. Reproduction, distribution, direct transmission, display, performance, publication, authorisation, or sale of information belonging to “Fenchell” and this website is prohibited.

“Fenchell” is the exclusive owner of the idea and implementation of the webpage, and all applications and components on the https://www.fenchell.com/ website are owned by “Fenchell”. If you notice any copyright infringement on our site, please inform us promptly via email: contact@fenchell-team.com.

All materials or elements of text and images on this site are owned by “Fenchell” and are protected by copyright law. Copyright on all the pages of publications on https://www.fenchell.com/ is owned by “Fenchell”. Users and visitors cannot copy and use information from the site for commercial purposes without the written permission of “Fenchell”. All rights reserved.

When using materials from the https://www.fenchell.com/ website, all partners and customers are required to fully comply with the restrictions and conditions established here. Copying text or graphics from this site will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

By using this website, you agree not to use data and information, photographs, and any other materials owned by “Fenchell” or its partners for illegal purposes or in a manner inconsistent with these conditions and objectives.

The terms and conditions for the use of the “Fenchell” website reserve the right to change these rules at any time without prior notice. It is advisable to periodically check this page for changes. The changes take effect at the time of their publication on the webpage. This agreement between “Fenchell” and visitors to the website applies until one of the parties terminates it.

Users can terminate it by stopping using the “Fenchell” website and destroying the materials they have “downloaded”, printed, or obtained in any other way. Members who violate the rules and conditions for using the webpage will first be warned and, if non-compliance continues, further measures will be taken to terminate access and use of the “Fenchell” website.

By visiting the “Fenchell” website, we assume that you agree to our terms and conditions for using the webpage. If you disagree with them, please do not use the website and the information provided on it. We have created these rules to protect you and provide you with a safe, enjoyable, and useful experience when visiting our company website.

If you have any questions or comments about the “Fenchell” web pages, please send your correspondence to the email address: contact@fenchell-team.com. By using our website, we assume that you accept the conditions set out above.

The company’s offices are located at Business Center Fenchell, Pobeda 25, Plovdiv, BULGARIA.

The company is registered in the USA at 2105 Vista Oeste, Albuquerque 87120, New Mexico.


1. **Action Plan**
**Definition of Contract Terms**
– **The Company:**
Refers to FENCHELL and its team.
– **The Client:**
Refers to the Client, paying for services via the website www.fenchell.com.
– **The Marketplace:**
Refers, without limitation, to the following marketplaces: AMAZON, CDISCOUNT, FNAC, DARTY, EMAG, EBAY, FRUUGO, ALIEXPRESS, WALMART, MANO-MANO.
– **Listing:**
Refers to a product page created and hosted on a Marketplace, used to advertise a product. By “listing”, we also mean the product itself. Therefore, reactivating a listing means that the product is again available for sale.
– **The Action Plan:**
Refers to an appeal letter, a physical or digital document, usually 2 to 5 pages, written to be submitted to a Marketplace, so that the latter can reactivate one or more seller accounts and/or one or more listings.
– **Seller Account** or **Customer Account:**
Refers to the account established on the Marketplace, allowing the Client to sell their products.

**I. Object of Service and Limits:**
The object of the “Action Plan” service is to increase the likelihood of reactivating the client’s account or listing. It is necessary to specify that, like lawyers representing a client before a judge, the Company cannot absolutely guarantee the reactivation of the Client’s assets; this competence belongs to the Marketplace by right, which intervenes according to its internal policy and in accordance with applicable laws. This service should be understood for what it is, i.e., expertise allowing the highlighting of a number of errors committed by the Client – or supposed by the Marketplace – the drafting of an action plan in the appropriate language, and finally the sending of this document, by the Client himself, to this same Marketplace.

**II. Guarantees:**
If despite the Client sending the Action Plan to the Marketplace, the seller account or listing is not activated/reactivated, the Company may, in some cases, proceed with a full refund to the Client.

**Conditions for a Full Refund by the Company to the Client:**
The Client must prove to the Company that he has followed the instructions of the Action Plan and those given in writing by the Company during various exchanges, that he complies with the rules of the Marketplaces on which he wishes to do business, that he has taken measures to correct the situation designated as the source of the conflict with the Marketplace, and that he has sent the Action Plan to the Marketplace regularly. The Client may request the refund of the Action Plan from the Company, no earlier than 30 days after receiving his Action Plan, and no later than 60 days after receiving his Action Plan.

If the Client hides or omits information likely to upset the expertise carried out by the Company and materialised by the Action Plan, or does not make the necessary corrections to comply with the rules of the Marketplaces on which he sells or wishes to sell, the Company is entitled to refuse the refund of the Action Plan to the Client. If the Marketplace requests evidence, supporting documents, technical justifications, audit reports, signed contracts, even invoices, or any other document or evidence outside the Action Plan, the Company cannot be held responsible for the outcome of such a case, and if the Marketplace refuses the Action Plan as it stands, a refund cannot be made.

Furthermore, if the reason for the fault reported by the Customer at the beginning of the Action Plan process is different from that reported by Amazon, the Company is entitled to refuse to restart the Action Plan and to refund the purchase. It may, at its discretion, restart the Action Plan or make changes to it, or offer the Customer, for a fee, to rework or restart an Action Plan aimed at rectifying the initial Action Plan and denouncing the appropriate fault.

**III. Process and Disclaimer:**
Generally, the Client contacts the Company through its website www.fenchell.com for information. After an initial interview and the completion of a digital form, the Client can decide to proceed with the Company, which will send him an invoice or provide him with a link via the website www.fenchell.com to purchase the service.

Once the purchase is made, the Client receives a first email confirmation from the Company, indicating the steps to follow, as well as a second email containing a download link for the invoice of the purchase of the Action Plan. The Company may request a telephone or videoconference interview with the Client, in order to clarify the situation of the Seller account or listing. This interview, if requested in writing by the Company to the Client, is mandatory, as it will allow the collection of necessary information leading to the precise and relevant drafting of the Action Plan.

It is also mandatory that the Client attend the meeting, to validate the strategy to be followed by the Client and the type of actions to be taken by the Client; these decisions are unilateral, they belong to the Client, the Company has, and will always have, only an expert-adviser and writer role. The Client takes responsibility for his decisions and actions, past, present, and future, the Company cannot be held responsible in any way, at any time, for any financial, moral, or legal damages regarding the Seller account or listing of the Client. The Company’s advice is only advice, it is up to the Client to follow them or not.

The final word regarding the Seller account or listing will always, and in a legitimate and indisputable manner, belong to the Marketplace. Follow-up, and therefore possible adjustments to the Action Plan, are limited to three attempts over two months.

**IV. Confidentiality:**
Except for financial partners allowing transactions between the Company and the Client, and only upon their request in very specific cases involving disputes or alleged violations of their internal policies, the Company commits to not disclosing any information regarding the Client, their business or seller account, or related to their purchase on the company’s platform: www.fenchell.com, to any third party and this, without time limit.

All information transmitted by

the Client to the Company is protected and encrypted; we place great importance on this information deemed strategic and vital for the Client’s business that calls us. Likewise, we expect that the information provided by the Company to the Client will be kept confidential, and that the Action Plan and the advice given by the Company to the Client will remain secret without time limit.

2. **Guideline**
**Definition of Contract Terms**
– **The Company:**
Refers to FENCHELL and its team.
– **The Client:**
Refers to the Client, paying for services via the website www.fenchell.com.
– **The Marketplace:**
Refers, without limitation, to the following marketplaces: AMAZON, CDISCOUNT, FNAC, DARTY, EMAG, EBAY, FRUUGO, ALIEXPRESS, WALMART, MANO-MANO.
– **Listing:**
Refers to a product page created and hosted on a Marketplace, used to advertise a product. By “listing”, we also mean the product itself.
– **The Action Plan:**
Refers to a letter of appeal, self-criticism, it is a document in physical or digital format, usually 2 to 5 pages, written for submission to a Marketplace, so that the latter can reactivate one or more seller accounts, and/or one or more listings.
– **Seller Account** or **Client Account:**
Refers to the account established on the Marketplace, allowing the Client to sell their products.
– **The Guideline:**
Refers to a several-page guide, in .PDF format, written and sold by www.fenchell.com, containing a method for safely and legally registering a seller account on Marketplaces.

**I. Object of Service and Limitations:**
The object of the “Guideline” service is to allow the Client to register a seller account on a Marketplace for commercial purposes. It is necessary to specify that as a writer, the Company cannot absolutely guarantee the registration of a Seller Account on a Marketplace, regardless of the efforts made by the Client. The decision belongs solely to the Marketplace, which intervenes according to its internal policy and in accordance with applicable laws. This service should be understood for what it is, that is, the assistance of a qualified and expert team in registering Seller Accounts, by selling a proven, functional method, in direct relation to the criteria of the Marketplaces. Nothing illegal will be advised to the Client through the Guidelines.

**II. Guarantees:**
We do not offer any guarantee, and no refund, the Guideline is considered consumed – read – and therefore non-refundable by the Company, as soon as it is bought, and downloaded.

**III. Process and Disengagement:**
Generally, the Client contacts the Company through its website www.fenchell.com, to get information and buy their Guideline. Once the purchase is made, the Client receives a first email from the Company confirming the purchase, allowing the Client to download their Guideline, and a second email containing a link to download the invoice for the purchase. The Company works within the limits of the laws of the countries in which the Marketplaces operate, and according to the rules of these same Marketplaces, which each have their own policies, in constant evolution. The final word concerning the Seller Account or the listing, will always belong, legitimately and unchallenged, to the Marketplace.

**IV. Confidentiality:**
Except for financial partners allowing financial transactions between the Company and the Client, and only upon their request in very specific cases involving disputes or alleged violations of their internal policies, the Company undertakes not to disclose any information concerning the Client, its Company or its Seller Account, or in relation to its purchase on the company’s platform: www.fenchell.com, to any third party, and this, without time limit. All information transmitted by the Client to the Company is protected and encrypted; we attach great importance to this information considered strategic and vital for the Client’s company calling on us. Similarly, we expect the information provided by the Company to the Client to be kept confidential, and that the services provided and the advice given by the Company to the Client remain secret without time limit. The Guidelines cannot be resold, under penalty of legal action.

3. **Account Creation**
**General Conditions and Contract Definitions**
– **The Company:**
Refers to FENCHELL and its team.
– **The Client:**
Refers to the paying client using the website www.fenchell.com to obtain one or more services.
– **The Marketplace:**
Refers, without limitation, to the following marketplaces: AMAZON, CDISCOUNT, FNAC, DARTY, EMAG, EBAY, FRUUGO, ALIEXPRESS, WALMART, MANO-MANO.
– **Listing:**
Refers to a product page created and hosted on a Marketplace, used to advertise a product. By “listing”, we also mean the product being advertised.
– **The Action Plan or Action Plan:**
Refers to an appeal letter, self-critique document, typically in physical or digital format, usually 2-5 pages, written to be sent to a Marketplace in order to reactivate one or more seller accounts, and/or one or more listings.
– **Seller Account** or **Customer Account:**
Refers to the account established on the Marketplace, allowing the Client to sell their products.

**I. Service Objectives and Limits:**
The objective of the “Account Creation” service is to register the Client’s business on a Marketplace for commercial purposes. It is important to note that as an intermediary, with only the client’s supporting documents, the Company cannot guarantee the registration of a seller account on a Marketplace. The decision is solely the right of the Marketplace, which operates according to its internal policy and in accordance with applicable laws. This service should be understood for what it is, that is, the assistance of a qualified and expert team in the registration of seller accounts, allowing for the preparation of supporting documents provided by the client, their submission to the targeted Marketplace, and final configuration to the client’s preference.

**II. Guarantees:**
If, despite our efforts, the seller account is not activated, the Company may proceed with a full refund to the Client.

**Conditions for a Full Refund from the Company to the Client:**
The client may request a refund from the Company, no earlier than 45 days and no later than 90 days from the submission of all supporting documents to the Company, as listed in the “Account Creation” service order form. To obtain this refund, the client must contact the Company and make a written request. If the Company has delivered a functional, approved, and open seller account to the targeted Marketplace, and after receipt by the client, this seller account is deactivated or disapproved by the Marketplace, the client cannot seek compensation from the Company for any reason.

The Company may then intervene through an action plan charged at the current rate, to help the client obtain the reactivation of his seller account. If the client hides fundamental information from the Company, or omits information that would disrupt the registration carried out by the Company, or provides false documents or other elements that violate the rules of the marketplaces on which he wishes to sell, the Company has the right to refuse a refund for the service to the client.

**III. Process and Disclaimer:**
Typically, the client contacts the company through its website www.fenchell.com for information. After an initial interview and completion of a digital form, the client can decide to proceed with the company, which will then write an invoice or provide a link through the website www.fenchell.com to purchase the service. Once the purchase is made, the client will receive a first email confirmation from the company, indicating the steps to follow and a second email containing a link to download the invoice for the purchase.

The company may request a telephone or video call interview with the client in order to clarify the situation of the client’s business or company. This interview, if requested in writing by the company to the client, is mandatory as it will allow the collection of necessary information leading to the registration of a seller account in compliance with regulations. It is also mandatory for the client to attend the interview.

The client takes responsibility for their decisions and actions, past, present, and future, and the company cannot be held responsible in any way at any time for any financial, moral or legal damages regarding the seller account or the client’s business. The company will only work with documents provided by the client himself and cannot create or falsify any documents. The company operates within the limits of the laws of the countries in which the marketplaces operate and according to the rules of these marketplaces, which each have their own policies, constantly evolving. The final word regarding the seller account or listing will always, legitimately and indisputably, belong to the marketplace.

To create the seller account, the company will register a telephone line in the client’s name, a domain name with a professional email address in the client’s business or brand name, assign a unique and protected IP address, and work through a browser specifically developed for the creation of seller accounts. With this system, the company guarantees the absence of duplicate accounts, also known as “multiple accounts,” which can lead to the suspension of seller accounts.

**IV. Confidentiality:**
Except for financial partners allowing financial transactions between the company and the client and only upon their request in very specific cases involving disputes or alleged violations of their internal policies, the company commits to not disclosing any information regarding the client, their business or seller account, or related to their purchase on the company’s platform: www.fenchell.com, to any third party and this, without time limit. All information and documents provided by the client will be kept confidential and will only be used for the

purpose of creating and managing the seller account. The company also commits to protecting the client’s data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

4. **NNN Contract**
**Definition of Contract Terms**
– **The Company:**
Refers to FENCHELL and its team.
– **The Client:**
Refers to the Client, paying for services via the website www.fenchell.com, in order to obtain one or more services.
– **The Marketplace:**
Refers, without limitation, to the following marketplaces: AMAZON, CDISCOUNT, FNAC, DARTY, EMAG, EBAY, FRUUGO, ALIEXPRESS, WALMART, MANO-MANO.
– **Listing:**
Refers to a product sheet written and hosted on a Marketplace, announcing a product. By “listing”, we also mean the product behind it.
– **The Action Plan:**
Refers to an appeal letter, self-criticism, it is a physical or digital document, usually 2 to 5 pages, written in order to send to a Marketplace, so that it can reactivate one or more seller accounts, and/or one or more listings.
– **Seller Account** or **Customer Account:**
Refers to the account established on the Marketplace, allowing the Client to sell their products.
– **The Company-Client:**
Refers to the company registered for the Client.
– **The NNN Contract:**
Refers to the non-disclosure, non-use, and non-circumvention commercial contract, written by the Company’s lawyers.

**I. Object and Limits of Service:**
The object of the “NNN Contract” service is to create an NNN Contract for the Client in the country they choose from the options provided and to allow their Company to sign this NNN Contract with their supplier or customer.

**II. Guarantees:**
Conditions for a full refund of the NNN Contract to the Client: The Client can request a refund for their purchase from the Company no earlier than 25 days and no later than 60 days after the receipt of payment by the Company if the Company has not completed the NNN Contract within the given timeframe, or if it contains false clauses. To obtain this refund, the Client will need to contact the Company and make the request in writing.

The Client is responsible for the use they will make of the NNN Contract, free to modify it, sign it or not, the Company declines any responsibility in case of misuse, and in a general way of all the subsequent consequences of the purchase of the NNN Contract. If the Client hides fundamental information from the Company concerning the parties mentioned in the NNN Contract, or omits information likely to upset the drafting and accuracy of the NNN Contract, the Company will refuse any refund if requested by the Client.

**III. Process and Disengagement:**
Generally, the Client contacts the Company via the website www.fenchell.com for information. After an initial interview and completion of a digital form, the Client can decide to continue their relationship with the Company, which will then draft an invoice or provide a link via the website www.fenchell.com to proceed with the purchase of the service. Once the purchase is completed, the Client will receive an initial email confirmation from the Company, indicating the steps to follow and the documents to return to the Company, as well as a second email containing a download link for the invoice for their purchase.

The Company may request a telephone or videophone interview with the Client, in order to clarify the situation of the Client’s business or Company. This interview, if requested in writing by the Company to the Client, is mandatory, as it will allow for the collection of necessary information leading to the proper registration of a seller account. It is therefore also mandatory for the Client to attend.

The Client takes responsibility for their decisions and actions, past, present, and future, the Company cannot be held responsible at any time, in any way, for any financial, moral, or legal damages concerning the Client’s Company. The Company needs certain sensitive information from the Client, such as:
– The price of the products
– The addresses, names and first names of the parties involved in the NNN Contract
– The names of the companies involved in the NNN Contract
– The terms of sale
– The commercial clauses
– The margins practised
– The financial penalties

This information, the list of which is not exhaustive here, is necessary for the drafting of the NNN Contract by the Company, it is therefore essential that this information reach the Company without delay, 48 hours after the purchase or even before the purchase. The deadlines for refunds and deliveries will be proportionally impacted in case of delay on the part of the Client to deliver these complete information.

**IV. Confidentiality:**
With the exception of financial partners allowing financial transactions between the Company, the Client, and only upon their request in very specific cases involving disputes or alleged violations of their internal policies, the Company is committed to not disclosing any information about the Client, the various parties involved in the NNN Contract and their respective people and Companies, or anything that could be related to the purchase of the NNN Contract on the Company’s platform: www.fenchell.com, to any third party, and this, without a time limit.

All information transmitted by the Client to the Company is protected and encrypted. We attach great importance to this information deemed strategic and vital for the Client’s company that calls on us, as well as for the third parties named in the NNN Contract. Similarly, we expect the information provided by the Company to the Client to be kept confidential, and that the services provided and the advice given by the Company to the Client remain confidential without time limit, except for the dissemination of these elements provided in the framework of normal use of the NNN Contract.

5. **Amazon DTC – SP-API**

We offer this service to provide clients with answers to forms allowing access to Amazon’s restricted roles for development and customer data retrieval purposes.

Our service is limited to sending these form responses to the client, so they can enter the responses into the form themselves. We are not developers and cannot participate in the development work in any way.

There are two types of Amazon SP-API access: private access and public access.

**Refund Policy in Case of Failure:**

**Private Access:**

If, after two unsuccessful attempts on our part, the client receives an email from Amazon announcing the refusal to grant restricted roles, we commit to refunding 80% of the amount invested by the client.

In case of a refund, we commit to processing the refund within 15 days of the decision.

**Public Access:**

If, after two unsuccessful attempts on our part, the client receives an email from Amazon announcing the refusal to grant restricted roles, and this email refers exclusively to the business model or the company, or refers to technical or material aspects, then Fenchell is not liable. If Amazon mentions that the client’s company does not provide enough value compared to other existing applications, we will not issue any refund.

However, if Amazon indicates via email that the security-related responses we provided to the client are at fault or insufficient, we will refund 100% of the amount paid by the client after two attempts on our part.

In case of a refund, we commit to processing the refund within 15 days of the decision.

**Additional Information:**

www.fenchell.com is in full compliance with the GDPR, and the company’s servers are in Europe, in a non-EU zone, specifically in Serbia. Client data is regularly destroyed without possible recovery once services have been delivered.

Regarding company creation, we use several service providers, lawyers, registration agents, notaries, bankers, banking services, customs brokers, accountants, and chartered accountants, telephone operators, to create our clients’ companies and their branches, enabling the launch of their businesses in Europe in full compliance.