Is there cases that you refuse to accept?

No, but you, you can refuse to try to make an appeal.


After filling out our free form, you will receive within 24 hours – and often much faster – our opinion regarding your chances of success.


You will then decide whether or not to proceed with the purchase of a Fenchell Cdiscount Plan of Action.

Reinstated or Refunded?

We act like lawyers, with discernment and rigor, in order to maximize your chances of success.


If you follow all our instructions, send the Plan of Action we have written without making any modifications, and if after trying to contact Cdiscount the situation does not change within 30 days, we will give you a full refund, regardless of your case.


Please note that we may ask you for proofs of your attempts to contact Cdiscount.


Also be aware that even if you have done everything right, Cdiscount has the right to not reactivate your account or listing, without justification, as stated in their rules that all sellers agreed to when they created their account.


Please keep in mind that the number of appeals (attempts to unlock your account or product listing) is limited.

After a while, Cdiscount will stop responding to your requests and leave your account abandoned.

Therefore, do not attempt this by yourselves or use questionable service providers who do not offer any guarantees.

What types of cases do you handle?

The types of cases we handle for Cdiscount Plans of Action are :


Shipping issues
Activation issues
Multiple accounts
Suspended Listing
Performance issues
Intellectual property infringement
Non-approved or non-activated credit card

How to write a Cdiscount Plan Of Action?

The Cdiscount Plan of Action is structured in 3 parts, it is written in English, requires an in-depth knowledge of Cdiscount’s rules and laws, as well as a thorough diagnosis of the seller’s faults.


Be careful, Cdiscount will only ever point out one fault the seller made, even if in reality several grievances have been detected by the platform.


For example, if the seller sells through Dropshipping (which is forbidden) and that at the same time the delivery performances are bad, Cdiscount will suspend the account of this seller, with only one announced reason:


  • Either a message concerning Dropshipping
  • Either a message concerning the delivery performances


However, all faults must be mentioned and reported in the Cdiscount Plan of Action, otherwise the Plan of Action will be considered null, and the seller’s account will remain suspended.

What is the purpose of a Cdiscount Plan Of Action?

The Cdiscount Plan Of Action takes the form of a self-criticism and allows for the presentation of a new strategy to Cdiscount, which helps to regain the trust of the platform, and for the seller, to find the way back to sales.

It also demonstrates to Cdiscount that the seller is fully aware of the platform’s rules and regulations as well as the laws and standards that apply to the products sold.

What is a Cdiscount Plan Of Action?

The Cdiscount Plan of Action is a document required to reactivate a seller-account or a product listing, in case of suspension by Cdiscount.


The Cdiscount Plan Of Action is a document written in English where the seller denounces the mistakes he made on the platform, and announces the corrections he will implement to avoid repeating these mistakes.


If the Plan of Action is convincing, Cdiscount reactivates the seller’s account or product listing.

Vous arrive t-il de refuser des cas ? 

Non, mais vous, vous pouvez refuser.


Après avoir rempli gratuitement notre formulaire, vous recevrez sous 24H – et souvent beaucoup plus vite – notre avis sur vos probabilités de succès.


Vous déciderez alors de poursuivre ou non par l’achat d’un Plan d’Action Cdiscount Fenchell.

Débloqué ou Remboursé ? 

Nous agissons tels des avocats, avec discernement et rigueur, de façon à maximiser vos chances de succès.


Si vous suivez toutes nos recommandations, que vous envoyez le Plan d’Action rédigé par nos soins sans modification, et qu’après avoir essayé de contacter Cdiscount la situation n’évolue pas sous 30 jours, nous nous engageons à vous rembourser en totalité, et ce peu importe votre cas.


Notez que nous pourrions vous demander des preuves de vos tentatives auprès de Cdiscount.


Sachez que même si vous avez tout fait dans les règles, Cdiscount est en droit de ne pas réactiver votre compte ou votre listing, et cela, sans se justifier, comme stipulé dans leur règlement que tous les vendeurs acceptent lors de la création de leurs comptes.


Ayez à l’esprit que le nombre d’appel (tentative de déblocage du Compte ou du Listing Produit), est limité.

Au bout d’un moment Cdiscount ne répondra plus à vos demandes et laissera votre compte à l’abandon.

Évitez dès lors de tenter cette manœuvre par vous-même ou de faire appel à des prestataires douteux qui n’offrent aucune garantie.


Quels types de cas traitez-vous ?

Les types de cas que nous traitons pour les Plans d’action Cdiscount sont :


– Contrefaçon

– Dropshipping

– Listing suspendu

– Comptes multiples

– Problèmes d’activation

– Problèmes d’expédition

– Problèmes de performance

– Violation de propriété intellectuelle

– Carte bancaire non-approvisionnée ou non-activée