開設您的 0% 稅美國公司
– 芬切爾照顧 –
一 切為了您:
– 美國有限責任公司的好處 –
Taxation :
0% tax on profits
0% on dividends
匿名 :
Finchell 在公共公司登記處隱藏您的名字
多功能性 :
沒有會計 :
– 市場向您的有限責任公司敞開大門 –
亞馬遜、折扣, 條紋, 臉書頁面, 沃爾瑪、埃馬格、速賣通 …

– 拓展您的業務 –
- 作为“运营公司”
– 直接通过市场销售、向客户开具发票、向供应商付款、进口货物等…
- 作为“控股公司”
– 由于您的 LLC 授予匿名性,您可以使用各种发票(例如议会发票)向另一家公司开具发票,以增加您的 LLC 产生的利润,从而将纳税义务降低至 0%。
– 與 Fenchell 開設美國公司的 5 大優勢 –
- 所有程序均在线进行
- 公司利润 0% 税
- 银行账户和银行卡可以在任何地方使用
- 附带真实的公司发票,这是在市场上开设账户所必需的
- 包括年度报表
- 公司+EIN+银行账户,仅需30天
– Fenchell’s Offer –
![]() 有限責任公司註冊+ 稅號和地址登記 | ![]() 提名董事 (您的名字不會在公共記錄中披露) | ![]() 銀行帳戶註冊+ 您公司名下的銀行卡 |
您的有限责任公司住所的真实发票 : 155 欧元/月
+ 400 欧元押金(合同结束时退还)
+ 290 欧元安装费
网站(向银行或市场证明真实活动 : 400 euros
– 選項 –
- 您的有限責任公司住所的真實發票:155 歐元/月
+ 400歐元押金(合約結束時退還)
+ 290 歐元安裝費
- 網站(向銀行或市場證明真實活動):400 歐元
– 如何訂購您的美國公司 –
Step 1
将此列表中要求的所有文件发送给我们:DOCX LINK
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
– 常問問題 –
Pack Company US (EN)
As soon as we accept your profile, we undertake to complete your Company within the allotted time* and to register your bank account, as well as to send you the Bank Card to the address you have given us.
(*see Contract – deadlines may vary from one season to another)
In the event of non-delivery, we undertake to refund you in full, and on the basis of the contract you sign with us, you may open a dispute with your bank.
We are a firm of lawyers, accountants and Ecommerce experts (some of us have worked at Amazon and Paysera in the past).
We’ve come together to offer a full range of services to Ecommerce sellers: Plan of action, NNN Contracts, Registration of Companies, Banking and Accounting, are our main services.
We develop strong personal relationships with our partners, enabling us to outperform the competition.
We have several company offices: Bulgaria, and USA
Today, a US company is the best option for optimizing the taxation of an online business.
A WYOMING company can serve as a holding or operating company.
In addition to a 0% tax rate on profits, WYOMING protects the anonymity of its members, and the “LLC” legal form enables you to carry out a wide range of activities with the same company: whether it’s a product or a service, you can sell just about anything you want with such a company.
An american company has a solid reputation for Marketplaces, payment processors and banks, these 3 types of partners being necessary for any online business these days.
Pack Company US (EN)
As soon as we accept your profile, we undertake to complete your Company within the allotted time* and to register your bank account, as well as to send you the Bank Card to the address you have given us.
(*see Contract – deadlines may vary from one season to another)
In the event of non-delivery, we undertake to refund you in full, and on the basis of the contract you sign with us, you may open a dispute with your bank.
We are a firm of lawyers, accountants and Ecommerce experts (some of us have worked at Amazon and Paysera in the past).
We’ve come together to offer a full range of services to Ecommerce sellers: Plan of action, NNN Contracts, Registration of Companies, Banking and Accounting, are our main services.
We develop strong personal relationships with our partners, enabling us to outperform the competition.
We have several company offices: Bulgaria, and USA
Today, a US company is the best option for optimizing the taxation of an online business.
A WYOMING company can serve as a holding or operating company.
In addition to a 0% tax rate on profits, WYOMING protects the anonymity of its members, and the “LLC” legal form enables you to carry out a wide range of activities with the same company: whether it’s a product or a service, you can sell just about anything you want with such a company.
An american company has a solid reputation for Marketplaces, payment processors and banks, these 3 types of partners being necessary for any online business these days.